Support Amplify
Transform Our Communities
Amplify Community is passionate about helping our neighbours free of charge.
Your support helps us grow, but please don’t feel obligated.
Why Support Amplify?
Every dollar given to Amplify Community goes to:
Growing the network of volunteers
Increasing the number of requests and people we support
Bridging into new communities and new cities
We cannot offer charitable receipts; we do not have charitable status. This initiative has been backed by the contributions of private individuals who are passionate about this work, and the churches that have joined this community of volunteers.
If you would like to join the valued group of people who make Amplify Community possible, we would be honoured to accept your gift.
Other Ways To Support
There are a lot of ways to support Amplify Community - and we appreciate every bit of the help we can get!
Tell Others
If you see someone who could use some help, let them know about this website. If they’re in an area we’re active, we’d love to help; if they’re not, we still keep track of their postal code so we know where to grow next.
Share Online
The more good news stories, mentions and shares online the better. If you’d be willing to share an inspiring story within your online community, we’d be honoured.
If you go to a church who’s part of the Amplify Community, ask to sign up. If your church isn’t a part of our community, tell your church about it (we’d love to chat with your leadership).
We’d love to hear your personal experience with Amplify.
If you’d be willing to share it, please email it to